Empowering youth for a healthy and brighter future.

Supporting education and elevation.


The mission of Trinity Educational Center, Inc. (TEC) is to provide a safe, inclusive, and empowering space for youth and young adults in the community. At TEC, young people are encouraged to develop their strengths and talents to improve themselves and our community.

A Safe Space for Our Youth

The Infinite Center is a daily (excluding Sundays) drop-in youth center with an afterschool program for youths age 12 to 18, including summer sessions. The Center stays open later on Friday and Saturday evenings to provide cultural events, comedy, and poetry nights in a safe space where youth can connect, grow, and thrive.


Continuing Support for Our Young Adults

In order to continue elevating the youth in our community, TEC will offer an educational program for post-high school graduate youths.

The Infinite Center will offer college application preparations, workshops, meetings, and classes for young people and parents to assist in gaining new skills.


Supporting SB Communities

TEC is dedicated to aiding and improving our South Burlington community by holding events that provide food and other necessities for those in need.



Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(802) 777-8080

​(802) 419-8248