Educational Program

The Youth Program began with Pathfinders (middle schoolers), then shifted to Empowered (high schoolers) and the final stop in their TEC journey is the Educational Program (Fearless).

Fearless (ages 18 -22)

Late Adolescence 18-22 years of age

  • Firmer identity; ability to delay gratification; ability to think through ideas; ability to express ideas in words; a more developed sense of humor; interests and emotions become more stable; ability to make independent decisions; ability to compromise; pride in one’s work; self-reliance; more significant concern for others

  • More defined work habits, a higher level of concern for the future, thoughts about their role in life

  • Valuable insight; focus on personal dignity and self-esteem; ability to set goals and follow-through; acceptance of social institutions and cultural traditions; self-regulation of self-esteem

The Infinite Center offers various activities, including crafts, tutorials, character building, community outreach, cultural awareness, academic debates & workshops, and computer software training.

We plan to serve 20-30 teens daily who are alone after school and during school breaks, including summer. Research demonstrates that teens are engaging in at-risk and destructive behaviors. Youth are more likely to be unsupervised and participate in or be exposed to at-risk behaviors, substance abuse, and crime—juvenile violence peaks in the afterschool hours on school days and the evenings on non-school days.

Fearless: Educational Program

The Educational Program begins after the youth have graduated from high school.

The Infinite Center will offer college application preparations, workshops, meetings, and classes for young people and parents to gain new skills.

*Proposed Hours

Contact us.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(802) 777-8080

(802) 419-8248