Theory & Overview

TEC Theory & Overview

Trinity Educational Center, Inc. (TEC) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and a Vermont registered Domestic Non-profit Corporation. The Youth and Educational Center is named "Infinite," signifying unlimited and boundless potential, which aligns with our motto. TEC promotes a new way of thinking by advocating for a healthy lifestyle and emphasizing healthy alternatives. These opportunities create a safe environment to help young people develop a sense of purpose, boost self-esteem, build skills for success, and empower them to choose a healthy lifestyle.

TEC is dedicated to empowering young people to discover their inner strength, enabling them to confidently reject drug and alcohol use rather than simply telling them that saying no is the right thing to do. TEC believes a significant and impactful difference exists between the two approaches. While nearly everyone understands that drugs have negative consequences, not all young people realize that they have a choice, particularly in Chittenden County communities where drug (opioids, marijuana) and alcohol use is on the rise, leading to long-term use of drugs and alcohol.

Moreover, there has been a significant increase in the percentage of students who have experimented with electronic vapor products such as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, vape pipes, vaping pens, e-hookahs, and hookah pens. TEC goes beyond simply imparting knowledge and emphasizes empowering young people by allowing them to make choices and exert influence. This helps them resist peer pressure and make informed health decisions.

Our Goals

  1. Create a safe environment that helps young people develop strong interpersonal skills and a sense of purpose.

  2. Help the youth understand the four stages of Adolescent Identity Development: Identity Diffusion, Identity Foreclosure, Identity Moratorium, and Identity Achievement.

  3. Use positive influence to help youth build self-esteem and skills for success.

  4.  Empower youth to choose to live a healthy lifestyle.

  5. Reduce youth and young adult substance abuse in a state that continues to be ranked higher than the other 48 states and DC.

  6. Encourage young people to become the caretakers of their communities.

  7. Provide a support system by surrounding the young people in a caring, inclusive learning environment. 


TEC empowers young people to unleash their infinite potential and equips them with the skills and confidence to make healthy choices while navigating the challenges of adolescence. While our primary focus is to steer young people away from drugs and alcohol, we firmly believe that the most impactful way to combat substance abuse is by addressing the underlying issues. We tackle a wide range of critical issues including suicide, depression, body image, education, healthy alternatives, and community responsibility. Collectively, these efforts form a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to fostering resilience and building assets, ultimately leading to a reduction in overall drug and alcohol use.

 Key Strategies

  • Healthy Alternatives: Research shows that one of the biggest complaints young people have about why they use drugs is that there is nothing else to do. TEC strives to provide healthy alternatives, such as cultural events and movie nights, while encouraging young people to follow their passions.

  • Empowerment and Personal Growth: The Infinite Center will be organized for and by youth. Young people involved with our organization will be empowered to take on leadership roles and contribute to organizational facets. We strive to inspire young people to find their passions and achieve their goals. We believe that there is a monumental difference between telling young people that the right thing to do is to say no to drug and alcohol use and empowering them so that they can speak out and say no when faced with the choice. We emphasize positive body image, mental and emotional well-being, and peer support as key aspects of youth empowerment.

  • Environmental Change: TEC strives to change the local climate so that all young people will be embraced. We believe that all youth should voice their opinions, and building positive youth and multi-generational relationships with open communication is vital. We also strive to change unfavorable climates of bullying and intolerance to become positive and aspiring.

  • Adolescent Identity Development: Research shows that developing a solid and stable sense of self is widely considered one of the central tasks of adolescence. The youth are much more self-conscious about their changing identities than at any other stage during adolescence.

Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Policy

TEC operates its programs, services, and activities without discriminating based on race, religion, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical challenge, or other factors prohibited by law.

State Nondiscrimination Law

TEC complies with Vermont’s Chapter 139: Discrimination and Public Accommodations.

Federal Nondiscrimination Law

TEC complies with (among others) the following federal nondiscrimination laws:

a. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VI”)

b. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (“Section 504”)

c. Age Discrimination Act of 1975

Contact us.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(802) 777-8080

(802) 419-8248